I learned some interesting things when I researched the Lotus Lower. The Lotus flower (red or white) is the national flower of India and it’s a highly prized flower in Hinduism and Buddhism.
The Lotus flower symbolizes the following:
2.) Divinity
3.) Wealth
4.) Knowledge (The Lotus grows in murky water in the dark, representing ignorance.)
5.) Enlightenment (The Lotus rises on a long stem until it breaks the surface water to bloom, representing enlightenment.)
6.) Purity of Heart and Mind
7.) Long Life (The Lotus seeds last for thousands of years and are still perfect for re-germination.)
8.) Health (The Lotus seed, leaf and stem are edible and can be used as medicine.)
9.) Honor
10.) Good Luck

What a great choice for a tattoo design, a flower as beautiful as an Orchid and as perfect as a Rose. More popular as a tattoo for women than men, but as designs change, so has many men’s, and so now it is not uncommon to see men with their arms fully emblazoned in lotus colour.
It’s not just the brilliant array of colours that makes this tattoo design so popular, it’s the rich history of symbolism associated with the Lotus flower that has made this one of the best choices for a tattoo. For example, to celebrate the birth of your child this design fits perfectly, because in Egypt and India mythology the birth of a new god begins at the opening of the first Lotus flower.

To the Buddhists, the fight of the lotus plant to reach the light is seen as a journey of spiritual growth, casting off desires of material wealth and lust, and as the lotus blooms so do we by reaching a state of nirvana. Another great tattoo idea.

As a symbol of rising above adversity then this tattoo design is for you. We have all had bad patches in our life and in India; the Lotus flower represents the more popular view that it is a journey into the light, not about beauty, but about change.

This change has been told in many stories over time, of how the lotus flower begins life at the bottom of the pond, in the cold, dark, murky water, and in this beginning we see a reflection of those who start life in dreadful conditions, but like the flower rise above this, to express themselves in their full glory.

I have had a revelation! Lately I've felt like I have no real place to go, no certain destination, no eye into the future as to where I'm going. A friend of mine has taken the step to rid herself of negativity by becoming a Buddhist. When she tells me of the things she's changing and why, it's pretty much exactly how I feel, and what I've been trying to do but never really had a name or set thing to apply it to. It's not that I want to copy her, persé. It's now that I have this eerily easy new lease towards life that I can apply the doings and teachings of a Buddhist, to truely become at peace with myself.
Karma is a big thing for me, and until today I never really understood where the belief of mine fit into something worthwhile. Now I know that it's believed in and welcomed in the Buddhist community, and I look forward to persuing it further.
Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Flower Tattoo
Lotus Flower Tattoos

- Lotus Flower Tattoos

Lotus Flower Tattoo Design

Lotus Flower Tattoo Design
Lotus Flower Tattoos
A favorite tattoo flower, the lotus has often depicted in religious drawings around the world. Considered to be perfection in form, lotus flower tattoos have been associated with many creation myths. With its radiating petals, the lotus flower is said to represent the birth of gods and goddesses of ancient religions. These deities are often depicted in the company of this pristine flower. Lotus flower tattoos have became a sacred symbol for all that is beautiful on earth, and a reflection of divinity, purity and eternity.Lotus Flower Tattoos

Lotus Flower Tattoos

Lotus Flower Tattoo

Lotus Tattoo

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower Tattoo
lotus flower tattoos is a symbol of purity, which is floating on the dirty waters called ‘Society’. In Indian and Chinese mythology, a lotus flower stands for spiritual awakening. Not only is the lotus flower an integral part of Indian and Chinese cultures and lotus flower tattoos design, it is also a part of Japanese tattoo designs. In a number of cultures, the petals of the lotus flower signify the struggle of a man’s existence. The center of the flower signifies the balance and enlightenment that every human tries to achieve.
As soon as it has come to the surface of the water, the flower begins to bloom and transforms into a beautiful flower. You may want to read about butterfly and flower tattoos.One of the lotus flower tattoo meanings is of growing beautiful and strong in the most unfavorable situations. The other symbolism is that the flower starts as a small bud at the bottom of a pond in the mud and muck. It gradually grows towards the surface of the water and strives continuously to move towards the light.
The other connotation of the lotus flower is that of gentle people who like to keep themselves clean. The same was also believed by the ancient Egyptians, as dirt or grime does not adhere to the leaf or blossom of the lotus flower.In the ancient Chinese culture, lotus is also associated with feminine beauty. Since the long fibrous stem of the lotus cannot be broken easily, the Chinese have also adopted it as a symbol of marital fidelity and harmony. For them, the lotus flower emerging out from the pond is like a beautiful woman coming from her bath gracefully.

flame tattoo on lotus flower tattoos fo

flame tattoo on lotus flower tattoos for girls picture gallery 6
As soon as it has come to the surface of the water, the flower begins to bloom and transforms into a beautiful flower. You may want to read about butterfly and flower tattoos.One of the lotus flower tattoo meanings is of growing beautiful and strong in the most unfavorable situations. The other symbolism is that the flower starts as a small bud at the bottom of a pond in the mud and muck. It gradually grows towards the surface of the water and strives continuously to move towards the light.

flame tattoo on lotus flower tattoos for girls picture gallery 5

flame tattoo on lotus flower tattoos for girls picture gallery 1

flame tattoo on lotus flower tattoos for girls picture gallery

Karma is a big thing for me, and until today I never really understood where the belief of mine fit into something worthwhile. Now I know that it's believed in and welcomed in the Buddhist community, and I look forward to persuing it further.
The Lotus Flower symbolizes purity and divine birth. The unfolding flower embodies the endless ocean of creation.
Because it has buds, blossoms and seed pods simultaneously on the same plant, it represents the past, present and future.